For the last 4 years, Ethan has been conducting research for Justice and Public Safety PAC to hold anti-reform district attorneys accountable and electing new DAs who will help make the system fairer for everyone. Given how entrenched many of these DAs are in the political system, the campaigns are tough and expensive. Still, a few trends come through in these races:
Voters are hungry for reform-minded candidates. Even in places where voters say crime is a concern, they overwhelmingly say they support reformers for district attorney over candidates who want a traditional, tough on crime approach.
Voters also want DAs who will hold bad cops accountable. Even moderates and independents want to make sure the streets are safe for everyone.
The candidates who lead with their values win. Voters want to know what you stand for, so we craft the research to help them tell their stories. The candidates for DA who state why they're running and what their change in a clear fashion are the ones who win.
We're proud to have partnered with Justice and Public Safety PAC to secure these victories:
José Garza in Travis County, TX
Jacqueline Sartoris in Cumberland County, ME
Ryan Mears in Marion County, IN
Democratic Nominee Matt Dugan in Allegheny County, PA